Well... I am in Vietnam!
And have been for well.. urh, since Monday.. I think.
Thus far, quite the adventure! Amazing adventure, something new and truly unique each day!
You know that saying people have about the air being completely different on different continents?
well as far as I can see it's completely true! everything is completely different from what I have ever seen before and from what I had imagined.
Well, my adventure started early all the way back in Denmark where they luggage system had broken down, so we couldn't put our luggage on the band but had to just leave it there on the floor for someone to pick up manually, together with all the other luggage! it was really the messy picture, even made the newspaper back home.
Then we got on the flight, and flew for seven hours straight to get to the dessert city "Doah" which is in the middle of India.
Now, I have never been in a dessert before! it was in the middle of the nigh, 3 AM Doah time... and still it was unbelievable hot! It was like stepping out in either an oven or Sauna. The dessert air really being it's own exsperience, but thankfully, we only stayed there for thirty minutes, otherwise I would have died! Then we flew for another seven hours all the way to "Hanoi" which is the capital of vietnam.
First impression.... holy crap! I've been to plenty of big cities in my life, London, Dublin, Glasgow, Copenhagen, Berlin, Copenhagen, Prague, Luxemborg, Rom.... But no, nothing compares to this.. at all, and god I wish I could post pictures from this computer, but well, the is a lend computer on a hotel, so it doesn't work like that.
The Scooters! Holy smoke is there a lot of Scooters!
Just to give an example, there are six million people all in all living in Hanoi... and there are 4 million scooters! and it shows!
You know all those white lines on the road you use to direct traffic with?
Yeah.... they don't use them here, you know such a thing as traffic light? well, the genuinely don't in this country. If I want to cross the street, there is no use waiting for people to stop, no sir, I just step right out and keep on walking then they should drive around me.. yeah I sort of prayed for my life the first couple of times, the scary thing now is that I have gotten used to it oO;
After one and a half day in Hanoi seeing lots and lots of stuff, I was driven out to Dragon Lash Lagoon...
Know the locations of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" with the rocky icelands everywhere.. well, it looks like that.. but bigger. I am convinced I saw the world largest carven, we are talking Lord of the ring siezed here. And well, what I can gain from this is that a movie will never ever serve any justice to such locations, it was unbelievable. And me sitting on top of the luxury cruser while sipping to a perfectly made Mojto, it made me fell like a movie star or something, or at least very rich.
That's another thing, things are cheap down here, and well. now I understand why we white people can fell so important, when coming here, being white immediately equals 'being stinking rich'. which we are compared to most of the people in the country, Vietnam is one of the poorest countries in the world. So well, I am pretty much treated like a princess, I have the best of the best, is driven to hotels in air conditioned minibuses go on extraordinary restaurants, they pull up the chair for me, carry my luggage. The Viatnamese people are extraordinary service minded and it shows, a lot.
Oh the food, yummi lishius! I had nothing but really fresh food, and I mean fresh, you can taste how the ingredients have been bought and captured on the day, I have gotten at least some sea food each day and it's all so good! and so fresh.
Anyhow, after sleeping on the boat (And yep, I did swim in the lagoon, a real lagoon) I got wonderful sea food brunch, ingredients bought by the fisher men sailing around in the lagoon capturing stuff and then sailing around selling to the bigger boats, I went on back to Hanoi, saw water puppet theater, and ancient tradition and then took a nigh train up to this mountain city called Zapa, which almost borders to China, I am literately, 9 km away from China! I can see China from my hotel window!
There is a couple of native tripes up here but mostly it's a beautiful tourist city on the top of a mountain, so safe the view, one of the duller things, you can differently fell how the things are toned down from Vietnamese culture to appeal to tourist, when I could get french fries on a restaurant I knew something was totally wrong... compared to the other stuff that is.
But oh well, here I am, sitting on a freaking tropical mountain! Native tripes people trying to sell me tons of hand made stuff.
I am a very happy person, this has differently envocked a spark inside of me and I am just trying to take all of it in, it's differently a travel so huge and different that it will affect me for the rest of my life and all in all.
I am having the time of my life!
This blog is about old film and television franchises and how they have transcended through the years in various adaptations. as this is my little corner, the franchises we focus on are my choices :)
Friday, 15 July 2011
Friday, 8 July 2011
Les Miserable, One day more, Youtube edition, me singing
I took the soundfile from Firsttenor76 who sang all the male parts.
I fear my part as all of the females (Cosette, Eponine and Mme Thenadier.) is not as good as could have been, firstly I don't think my recording equipments is nearly as good as Firstenors' and secondly.
I can't explain it, I really am a life singer and have lots of life preformance exsperience, but suddenly as I stood recording this I started shaking and my voice started failing me, I tried over and over, spend hours on this and was never happy, I dried myself out of energy, and then I just became stubborn.. I am not entirely happy with this, but I know it's the best of the lot, especially Cosettes part have been messed up again and again, I am after all, an natural alto and far from being any kind of soprano :/
I really liked singing Mme though, and what it came down to there wasn't as much as capturing the pitch as just making sure the rythm were precisely the same as Firsttenors.
I am not sure I even got in the right place with all the voices in the finale, because it was extremely hard to disinquite the other voices! probably because it's the same man, it was hard!
In other words, the day after tomorrow I am headed for Vietnam, and am going to stay there for a total of 17 days.
That journey is sure to be nothing short of spectacular!
So, well. Ciao!
I'll see you in around three weeks with lots of pictures in incredible tales to tell!
I fear my part as all of the females (Cosette, Eponine and Mme Thenadier.) is not as good as could have been, firstly I don't think my recording equipments is nearly as good as Firstenors' and secondly.
I can't explain it, I really am a life singer and have lots of life preformance exsperience, but suddenly as I stood recording this I started shaking and my voice started failing me, I tried over and over, spend hours on this and was never happy, I dried myself out of energy, and then I just became stubborn.. I am not entirely happy with this, but I know it's the best of the lot, especially Cosettes part have been messed up again and again, I am after all, an natural alto and far from being any kind of soprano :/
I really liked singing Mme though, and what it came down to there wasn't as much as capturing the pitch as just making sure the rythm were precisely the same as Firsttenors.
I am not sure I even got in the right place with all the voices in the finale, because it was extremely hard to disinquite the other voices! probably because it's the same man, it was hard!
In other words, the day after tomorrow I am headed for Vietnam, and am going to stay there for a total of 17 days.
That journey is sure to be nothing short of spectacular!
So, well. Ciao!
I'll see you in around three weeks with lots of pictures in incredible tales to tell!
Friday, 1 July 2011
The future of Ghostbusters......
Now, let me be honest, this is probably a statement that will make people cry in front of their computers.. sigh, here it comes.
I am not a Ghostbusters fan.
The movies have no nostalgia value for me, I didn't see them before I was nineteen and I became aware every other nerd on the net was absolutely nuts about them, finally I just went and bought them, saw them, and my reaction was just.
"that's an okay movie."
That's it, I don't hate it or anything, it's amusing in its own right, I just first saw fifteen years after it was released so I was not impressed by the effects, not impressed by the story, thought they were amusing and the idea original, but had seen funnier, I though it was well put together, but well.. If it was not because of the mundo huge geek worship of this franchise, I would probably have shelved that DVD and forgotten all about it. I didn't even see the television show as I grew up, something else many in geek culture seems to look back upon with adoration. It was just not syndicated in my country.
How-ever, I do recognise a good concept and good characters when I see them, and I know that is what Ghostbusters is.
And even I, a none fan, a none worshipper can't help but start drooling by the sight of these and the mere thought what could happen if some studio was to go through with such an idea.

Animated movie, duh! Of cause!
unfortunately, these pictures are not created by any studio, but by a fan who spend his evenings designing these (Somebody give him a job in a animations department.)
So no, they are not in any way official or indicates anything, but they are very beautiful and very awesome, it makes even me complete worked up on the idea, and I would really badly want to see that movie.
Well, there has been talk about a third movie in like decades for now, and there has both been a couple of moments where it's been like. "Sure, we'll have the original cast return so it's like an ala Dark Knight returns story of men who were ones great and still can be great, getting out of their pension to kick ass."
And there's been a couple of moments like. "It's going to be like the next generation of Ghostbusters with a new young cast acting as main characters and someone of the original four be the experienced trainer while the rest will have cameos"
And there's been instances of. "It's never going to happen kids, stop dreaming."
So no, nothing is sure, they keep and they keep talking about it, but to me, it doesn't seem like any-one believe that much in it at current.
Which is kind of silly, because even if such a movie was to suck, it would still earn a shit load of money. Ghostbusters seem to be in every single American geeks top ten of favorite movies of all time, and I am not even trying to crack a joke here, that is my genuine impression.
I am not a Ghostbusters fan.
The movies have no nostalgia value for me, I didn't see them before I was nineteen and I became aware every other nerd on the net was absolutely nuts about them, finally I just went and bought them, saw them, and my reaction was just.
"that's an okay movie."
That's it, I don't hate it or anything, it's amusing in its own right, I just first saw fifteen years after it was released so I was not impressed by the effects, not impressed by the story, thought they were amusing and the idea original, but had seen funnier, I though it was well put together, but well.. If it was not because of the mundo huge geek worship of this franchise, I would probably have shelved that DVD and forgotten all about it. I didn't even see the television show as I grew up, something else many in geek culture seems to look back upon with adoration. It was just not syndicated in my country.
How-ever, I do recognise a good concept and good characters when I see them, and I know that is what Ghostbusters is.
And even I, a none fan, a none worshipper can't help but start drooling by the sight of these and the mere thought what could happen if some studio was to go through with such an idea.

Animated movie, duh! Of cause!
unfortunately, these pictures are not created by any studio, but by a fan who spend his evenings designing these (Somebody give him a job in a animations department.)
So no, they are not in any way official or indicates anything, but they are very beautiful and very awesome, it makes even me complete worked up on the idea, and I would really badly want to see that movie.
Well, there has been talk about a third movie in like decades for now, and there has both been a couple of moments where it's been like. "Sure, we'll have the original cast return so it's like an ala Dark Knight returns story of men who were ones great and still can be great, getting out of their pension to kick ass."
And there's been a couple of moments like. "It's going to be like the next generation of Ghostbusters with a new young cast acting as main characters and someone of the original four be the experienced trainer while the rest will have cameos"
And there's been instances of. "It's never going to happen kids, stop dreaming."
So no, nothing is sure, they keep and they keep talking about it, but to me, it doesn't seem like any-one believe that much in it at current.
Which is kind of silly, because even if such a movie was to suck, it would still earn a shit load of money. Ghostbusters seem to be in every single American geeks top ten of favorite movies of all time, and I am not even trying to crack a joke here, that is my genuine impression.
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